John Jungck
Professor Biology
Associate Professor Math
221 Academy Street, Suite 402A
Harker ISE Lab, University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
John R. Jungck is Director of the Dupont Interdisciplinary Science Learning Laboratories
in the Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory at
the University of Delaware. He is a tenured full Professor of Biological Sciences and holds joint appointments in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, the Bioinformatics/ Computational Biology Program, and the Delaware Environmental Institute (DENIN).
He is a national leader in biology education reform, a mathematical
molecular evolutionary biologist, and a computer software developer of
biological simulations, tools, and databases. His research interests are
in mathematical and theoretical biology (bioinformatics, genetic codes,
image analysis and simulation of patterns in nature, and evolutionary
analysis of complex data sets), art and science, and interdisciplinary
He is the former Editor of four different journals: Biology
International; BioQUEST Library; Bioscene: Journal of College Biology
Teaching; and, the American Biology Teacher. He serves on the Editorial
Boards of several journals including the Bulletin of Mathematical
Biology, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, CBE Life Science Education, and
the American Journal of Undergraduate Research.
He is the immediate past Vice President of the International
Union of Biological Sciences, immediate past President of the IUBS
Commission on Biology Education, former Chairperson of the U. S.
National Academy of Science’s National Committee of IUBS, former
Chairperson of the Education Committee of the Society for Mathematical
Biology, and former President of the Association of College and
University Biology Educators (ACUBE).
His international commitments include long-term relations with
NECTEC in Thailand, the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Evolution and
Ecology in New Zealand, and BIOMAT – a consortium of primarily South
American mathematical biologists. He is the founder of the BioQUEST
Curriculum Consortium (,
and the Principal Investigator (PI) of several major funded
initiatives: BEDROCK (Bioinformatics Education Dissemination: Reaching
Out, Connecting, and Knitting-together), Cyberlearning at Community
Colleges, the SELECTION Working Group of the National Evolutionary
Synthesis Center (NESCent), and of a subcontract for NUMB3R5 COUNT!
(Numerical Undergraduate Mathematical Biology Education …) from the
Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His service on numerous boards include
NIMBioS (National Institute for Mathematical Biology Synthesis Center),
CIRTL (Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning),
EBICS (Emerging Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems – MIT, Georgia
Tech, and the University of Illinois), and the Institute for
Transforming Undergraduate Education.
His awards/honors/offices include AAAS Fellow, Honorary
Doctorate from the University of Minnesota, American Society for Cell
Biology Bruce Alberts Award, American Institute of Biological Sciences
Education Award, Honorary Life Membership in the Scoiety for Integrative
and Comparative EDUCOM Educational software and curriculum awards,
Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society, Phi Beta Kappa, and a Fulbright
Scholar in Thailand.
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