Why is this project important to you?
Music has always been an important and influential part of my life. I have learned how to play multiple instruments, including piano, which I have been playing for 9 years. I am inspired by the designs of concert halls and how those designs were not only intended to be aesthetically pleasing, but were also intended for practical purposes - to reflect and absorb sound within the concert halls. I was intrigued by these unique designs and wanted to delve into architectural acoustics further.
How has this project impacted you both personally and professionally?
This project has challenged me to become more scientifically well-rounded by conducting physics research, which I have not previously done. I learned that I should never be afraid to take on something new and to always keep an open mind. In the future, I would like to work in an oncological research lab. This research project has taught me to make sure that I learn something new every day and I will apply that mindset when I research cancer.
How has the interdisciplinary nature of the work influenced the project?
I have taken several classes in the ISE Lab in the problem-based learning (PBL) rooms, which are great for interdisciplinary group work. In order to improve the learning experience, my goal is to enhance the way that sounds travel in a classroom so that it is easier to hear when discussing a project in small groups, as well as listening to presentations. My summer research study focuses on the way that sound travels so that I can spark changes in the overall design of PBL classrooms.