The landscape surrounding the Harker Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE) building focuses on using as many native plants as possible for the benefit of the local ecosystem. Ornamental non-invasive, non-native species have also been included.
Landscape features
- Our plants can tolerate heavy salt runoff in the winter months and do not require any irrigation
- The soil in our bioretention areas can drain very quickly but can also become inundated with stormwater, so the plants in those areas can tolerate both very dry and very wet conditions
- The seedem species planted on our green roof are capable of living in only 4 inches of soil and absorb the first 1 inch of rainwater before the rest of it enters into the bioretention areas
- We have a seasonal planting palette, meaning that the landscape looks beautiful and colorful all year round
The grasses chosen are bright green in the summer; and even when they are dormant and brown in the winter, they still have structure to them and the Winterberry holly produce colorful berries. The plants even have a teaching component to them because they add to the University's arboretum collection. Three plant categories in the landscape are: trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Check out the plant highlights below from the summer months to learn about some of the specific species in our landscape.